Jumat, 28 November 2008

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Mesothelioma Cancer
The peritoneal form of mesothelioma cancer is a basic relatively uncommon type of a cancer that also accounts less than a quarter of the mesothelioma cases. Pericardial mesothelioma is the rarest type of the three forms of mesothelioma.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Cancer&id=1022091 - Mar 06, 2008
Mesothelioma - How Do You Predict?
Let's start first with what is Mesothelioma? "A usually malignant tumor of mesothelial tissue, especially that of the pleura or peritoneum." This is the fundamental definition of the deadly disease Mesothelioma according to the Merriam-Webster Medical Dictionary.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma---How-Do-You-Predict?&id=804951 - Oct 30, 2007
Mesothelioma - An Introduction
What is Mesothelium? To understand Mesothelioma let us first understand what mesothelium is.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma---An-Introduction&id=86953 - Oct 26, 2005
Mesothelioma Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Stages
Are you in danger of Mesothelioma Cancer? The short answer is yes. Asbestos is still widely used and has been used in everything from schools and work places, to appliance lining and insulation, and anywhere a fireproof barrier is needed. Most people do not understand that asbestos is still used in manufacturing many products. The air, drinking water, and even some consumer products still contain small amounts of asbestos. Asbestos fibers are even released into the air from natural deposits in the ea
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Causes,-Symptoms,-Diagnosis,-Stages&id=502525 - Mar 29, 2007
Mesothelioma – The Facts
Some of us are unfortunate to contract various serious illnesses and diseases. Often we hear of common diseases and do not know what they are.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma---The-Facts&id=166224 - Mar 23, 2006
Causes of Mesothelioma Cancer
Mesothelioma is one of the rarest cancers in the world that is caused only by exposure to asbestos.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Causes-of-Mesothelioma-Cancer&id=685721 - Aug 23, 2007
3 Reasons You Should File a Mesotelioma Claim
Each year, many mesothelioma patients give up their rights to file a compensation claim against big asbestos corporations for the fear of going through trial with the big boys. In this article, we highlights three major reason why you should file a claim if you or your family member is affected by mesothelioma.
http://ezinearticles.com/?3-Reasons-You-Should-File-a-Mesotelioma-Claim&id=1371761 - Aug 04, 2008
5 Things to Do If You Are Diagnosed With Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma is often discovered when the cancer is at end stage, leaving the patient with only months left to live. Amazingly, this is far from a helpless situation. There are many things that a mesothelioma patient or family members can do to improve or even reverse the situation. This article discuss your circle of action.
http://ezinearticles.com/?5-Things-to-Do-If-You-Are-Diagnosed-With-Mesothelioma&id=1371748 - Aug 04, 2008
Selecting a Good Mesothelioma Lawyer
Getting a mesothelioma lawyer is an inevitable episode in your battle against the disease. In this article, we show you what you should look for in a good mesothelioma lawyer.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Selecting-a-Good-Mesothelioma-Lawyer&id=1371730 - Aug 04, 2008
Mesothelioma Attorney - How to Choose the Right Law Firm
If you or a loved one has been stricken with Mesothelioma Cancer it was most likely caused by exposure to asbestos and you will be in need of a highly skilled attorney to help you seek damages. You should be looking for an attorney who specifically deals with Mesothelioma lawsuits. Any dedicated lawyer would be just as likely to commit time and effort on your case but to get the most cash you can for your lawsuit I would recommend selecting an attorney who has tried, settled and won ...
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Attorney---How-to-Choose-the-Right-Law-Firm&id=1265009 - Jun 24, 2008
Pleura Disease and Mesothelioma
Often, the exposure to asbestos will cause harm to the lining of the lungs, called pleura. Calcium deposits in the scars caused by asbestos fibers will go through 'calcification' which cause it to harden. Fluid effusion may be accumulated around the lung.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Pleura-Disease-and-Mesothelioma&id=1371773 - Aug 04, 2008
Mesothelioma Cancer - An Inside Look
Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer in the general population. However, in individuals that were exposed to asbestos, it is not as rare.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Cancer----An-Inside-Look&id=91923 - Nov 04, 2005
What Are the Symptoms of Mesothelioma?
Mesothelioma is generally associated with a long latency period this means that the symptoms of this disease can take many years to manifest, making both diagnosis and effective treatment very difficult.
http://ezinearticles.com/?What-Are-the-Symptoms-of-Mesothelioma?&id=91924 - Nov 04, 2005
Mesothelioma - Cause and Effect of Mesothelioma
Almost all Mesothelioma cancer cases are due to asbestos exposure. Mesothelioma affects the protective lining of the body's internal organs known as the Mesothelium. When you inhale air containing asbestos particles, the air directly affects the Mesothelium lining of the body.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma---Cause-and-Effect-of-Mesothelioma&id=914255 - Jan 07, 2008
Symptoms and Treatments for Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma is one of the few cancers that don’t exhibit symptoms until the cancer reaches the late stage of development and it is at this point that many cases become incurable.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Symptoms-and-Treatments-for-Mesothelioma&id=665732 - Jul 31, 2007
Mesothelioma and the Asbestos Time Bomb
It is the deadly killer some of us have been in contact with but we may not realise it until it is too late.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-and-the-Asbestos-Time-Bomb&id=144630 - Feb 13, 2006
Mesothelioma Lawsuits - Suggestions And What Types Of Firms To Look For
Receiving news of a diagnosis of mesothelioma in the family is heartbreaking. There are options for treatment and options for legal recourse. This short article provides a few suggestions in what you can do legally and what type of firm you should be looking for.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Lawsuits---Suggestions-And-What-Types-Of-Firms-To-Look-For&id=735421 - Sep 19, 2007
Mesothelioma Attorney - How to Choose an Attorney for Mesothelioma
Finding a mesothelioma attorney through directories may be helpful for initial screening. As far as choosing one is concerned, it comes to make your decisions based on hard facts of life that if you or one of your family member is the victim of mesothelioma, the attorney must have a proven track record of bringing justice to your already sullen situation; after all, an attorney is an attorney.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Attorney---How-to-Choose-an-Attorney-for-Mesothelioma&id=681513 - Aug 09, 2007
How to Find a Mesothelioma Lawyer
Filing a lawsuit with the aim of getting compensation for Mesothelioma is a long and tedious process. However, the most important step is the selection of the Mesothelioma attorney or law firm.
http://ezinearticles.com/?How-to-Find-a-Mesothelioma-Lawyer&id=86952 - Oct 26, 2005
Pleural Mesothelioma - The Truth and Facts About Pleural Meseothelioma
Pleural Mesothelioma represents for about 75% of all Mesothelioma cases and. The main cause for this type of cancer is the inhalation of asbestos fibers which get embedded in the lung linings, also known as the pleura.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Pleural-Mesothelioma---The-Truth-and-Facts-About-Pleural-Meseothelioma&id=914335 - Jan 07, 2008
Mesothelioma: A Cancer Which Is Caused Due To Exposure To Asbestos
Mesothelioma is a form of cancer which is generally caused due to the exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma is a critical form of cancer which generally affects the lungs of the human organism.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma:-A-Cancer-Which-Is-Caused-Due-To-Exposure-To-Asbestos&id=250605 - Aug 11, 2006
Mesothelioma: Legal Ramifications
This article deals with the legal ramifications of mesothelioma. It provides information on the different legal aspects of mesothelioma.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma:-Legal-Ramifications&id=189399 - May 04, 2006
Fatigue in Mesothelioma Patients
The word fatigue means the shortage or absence of energy that override the capability of mesothelioma patients to function and can result to mental disorder. Fatigue symptoms are weakness, exhaustion, extreme tiredness, weariness, etc.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Fatigue-in-Mesothelioma-Patients&id=641943 - Jul 16, 2007
Mesothelioma Legislation: The Fight Against Asbestos
What is being done to fight mesothelioma? What is the US government doing in order to ban the use of the lethal mesothelioma producing asbestos? Here you will find some information regarding that.
Search Results for: mesothelioma

Showing results 26 - 50 of 957 for mesothelioma - (0.04 seconds)

Treating Mesothelioma
Mesotheliomic patients are often told of their short survival duration of 6-12 months, but doctors specialized in treating malignant mesothelioma at leading cancer centers expect more.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Treating-Mesothelioma&id=607921 - Jun 22, 2007
About Mesothelioma Caused by Exposure to Asbestos
There are many type of cancer but mesothelioma is such a tragedy because the damage has frequently occurred many years ago and often with the knowledge of the employers. There are some treatments available if the diagnosis happens early enough.
http://ezinearticles.com/?About-Mesothelioma-Caused-by-Exposure-to-Asbestos&id=1478218 - Sep 19, 2008
Screening Tests For Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma is a rare disease but is potentially fatal. Years and years of exposure to asbestos takes its toll on people and this form of cancer is difficult to treat. Early screening remains the only weapon to pick up the disease early so that proper treatment modalities can be instituted.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Screening-Tests-For-Mesothelioma&id=1293685 - Jul 03, 2008
Mesothelioma is a Type of Cancer
Mesothelioma is a type of cancer affecting the cells of mesothelial lining in the chest and abdomen. Mesothelioma is rare, though it appears to be on the rise. Approximately 2,000 to 3,000 new cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed each year in the United States alone.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-is-a-Type-of-Cancer&id=81249 - Oct 11, 2005
Mesothelioma Treatment
Mesothelioma has become a concern to many people after the dangers of asbestos have become known. It is a deadly cancer but there are some forms of treatment which are being used and the prognosis may be better than is often mentioned. In this article we consider the different forms of treatment used.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Treatment&id=910122 - Jan 06, 2008
Mesothelioma Information
Mesothelioma is one of the deadliest diseases known to man. The average life span of an inflicted person from the time of diagnosis until death is less than 24 months. It's a disease that strikes approximately 3,000 United States citizens each and every year.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Information&id=464495 - Feb 26, 2007
Mesothelioma Symptoms
There are different types of Mesothelioma depending on the organ affected and these different types of Mesothelioma result in different symptoms. In this article we will consider the symptoms and pleural and peritoneal Mesothelioma. Symptoms of Pleural Mesothelioma Pleural Mesothelioma affects the lungs and results in chest pain, coughing, and difficulty breathing.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Symptoms&id=908128 - Jun 20, 2008
Mesothelioma Litigation
The latency period of mesothelioma may run into decades. As a result, people, afflicted with this life-threatening cancerous disease or even their doctors may not be aware that the symptoms of their disease may be traceable to the asbestos dust and fibers that they had been inhaling while working in the asbestos-based industries. These industries include asbestos mines, shipyards, insulation factories or construction sites. The symptoms of the disease can be confused with the commonly prevalent diseases like pneumonia. When the usual treatment fails to elicit response, Mesothelioma-specific tests are conducted and a conclusive diagnosis is determined. It is when the awareness of the root cause of the problems is identified that a person can feel the need to file a lawsuit for compensation.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Litigation&id=140753 - Feb 06, 2006
Types of Mesothelioma Cancer
Mesothelioma is a deadly form of cancer that affects the serous membranes surrounding the major organs of the body i.e. the lungs, heart and the abdominal organs, causing these vital organs to inflate with excessive fluid.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Types-of-Mesothelioma-Cancer&id=598069 - Jun 12, 2007
Mesothelioma Treatment - Radiation Or Radiotherapy
Mesotheliomic patients are often told of the short survival duration of 6 - 12 months. But doctors specialized in treating malignant Mesothelioma at leading cancer centers expect better survival rates.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Treatment---Radiation-Or-Radiotherapy&id=626348 - Jul 10, 2007
Mesothelioma Treatment - Surgery
Surgery is an important step in confirming and knowing the nature of the cancer. It can be conducted on patients with the combination of adjutant chemotherapies and radiations, before and after the surgery.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Treatment---Surgery&id=612373 - Jun 22, 2007
Mesothelioma Pain and Problems
Mesothelioma is a terrible disease that can be deadly. The facts about mesothelioma can be startling. Did you know that asbestos exposure for just one or two months can lead to mesothelioma 30 or 40 years later? Asbestos can come from something as simple as insulation of a building. Find out more info in this article.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Pain-and-Problems&id=1453966 - Sep 06, 2008
Symptoms of Mesothelioma
People usually ignore the symptoms of Mesothelioma due to their generic nature. This is because the early symptoms of mesothelioma can also be the indication of other common diseases.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Symptoms-of-Mesothelioma&id=598070 - Jun 12, 2007
Mesothelioma Doctor Research
Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer. It afflicts persons who have worked in asbestos- related industries like asbestos mines, shipyards, insulation factories and construction sites. Initially, the workers in these establishments were unaware that the exposure to the asbestos dust could result in such grave consequences. They became conscious of the potential hazards of this disease after three or four decades, since the disease lies dormant for such long periods. The result of dormancy was that the medical field also recognized the existence of this disease a bit late; when the patients came for treatment, doctors were finally able to relate the symptoms to the causes. Initially the symptoms like chest pain, cough, fever and breathlessness were associated with common occurring diseases like pneumonia, but when the patients failed to respond to the treatment. the medical world started research.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Doctor-Research&id=140750 - Feb 06, 2006
Three Forms of Mesothelioma - How Serious is Each?
Mesothelioma cancer exists in three forms, each of varying causes and varying severity. Which is worst? Which is rarest? What to do for each? Find out how these three forms differ in this article.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Three-Forms-of-Mesothelioma---How-Serious-is-Each?&id=1451208 - Sep 04, 2008
Mesothelioma Diagnosis: An Overview
The diagnosis of any disease follows only after the appearance of the symptoms. The problem with Mesothelioma is that its symptoms sometimes appear decades after the patient had been exposed to the asbestos dust. By this time, it is usually too late for treatment because the malady has taken strong roots in various organs of the patient.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Diagnosis:-An-Overview&id=140751 - Feb 06, 2006
Mesothelioma Treatment Costs: What You Should Know
Mesothelioma is a cancerous affliction. It is primarily of three types, pleural, peritoneal and pericardial. Like every form of malignant cancer, the overall cost of its treatment may be huge. A person may be required to spend thousands of dollars each month. The cost of treatment of the disease depends upon many factors, i.e., age, side effects of the treatment, the effects of the treatment on the overall health and the chances of survival, as well as the stage and gravity of affliction and the organs over which it has spread. Then a variety of treatments are required to attack the malady.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Treatment-Costs:-What-You-Should-Know&id=140755 - Feb 06, 2006
Mesothelioma Doctors
Mesothelioma is not a common form of cancer; it is a very complicated disease that impacts the tissues of many organs in the human body, especially the heart, lungs and abdomen. Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos dust and flakes; as such, its victims are generally people who work in asbestos-related industries like asbestos mining, building construction, shipyards and insulation factories. Because it is a rare disease, the availability of specialist doctors for Mesothelioma is limited.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Doctors&id=140754 - Feb 06, 2006
Mesothelioma Lawyers
Mesothelioma was a recent addition to the family of malignant cancers. The origins of the disease lay in certain asbestos-related industries especially asbestos-mining industry. Additionally, there were shipyards, insulation factories and construction companies where the workers were, unintentionally, exposed to asbestos dust and fibers that made their way into various organs of their bodies through the process of breathing. Having once entered into the human body, the asbestos dust managed to stay there for decades before revealing its presence in form of symptoms. These symptoms confused the doctors as they were related to the commonly prevalent diseases like pneumonia. Obviously, the prescribed treatment proved to be of no avail and the symptoms worsened as more treatment was prescribed. It was after the origins of the malady were traced to real culprit, i.e., the asbestos dust in the asbestos-based factories that the legal community woke up to its responsibility with regard to its victims.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Lawyers&id=140756 - Feb 06, 2006
Mesothelioma Treatment: An Introduction
Mesothelioma is a rare yet very complicated form of a cancerous disease. It is contracted usually by persons working in asbestos mines and other asbestos-related industries, where the air is permeated with very minute asbestos dust particles that are inhaled during the breathing process. These particles are so minute that they can be viewed only under a microscope. These dust particles enter into the lungs, intestine, heart and other vital organs of the human body. The symptoms of the disease do not appear immediately; they have a very long incubation period. But once they appear, they become life threatening and result in a low survival rate.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Treatment:-An-Introduction&id=140757 - Feb 06, 2006
Pleural Mesothelioma
Pleural Mesothelioma is a cancer of the lungs which is caused due to exposure to asbestos, though the symptoms often only manifest many years after this exposure. It is a deadly disease and in many cases the prognosis is not good.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Pleural-Mesothelioma&id=929884 - Jan 16, 2008
Mesothelioma Symptoms
Mesothelioma is a disease caused by exposure to the asbestos dust. The most unfortunate aspect of this disease is that its symptoms do not appear soon enough or within a short enough time after exposure to the asbestos dust. This complicates matters because when the symptoms finally appear, in most cases, they are not associated with the disease. It takes very long time, sometimes even decades, for the symptoms to appear in form of obdurate cough, shortness of breath and chest pain. Initially, the unsuspecting patient and even his family physician associate these symptoms with common diseases like pneumonia. It is when the disease starts spreading to other organs of the body that the doctors apprehend and tend to trace the origin of the symptoms of this life-threatening condition.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Symptoms&id=140758 - Feb 06, 2006
The Hidden Secrets of Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma is a cancer that effects blue collar workers. Mesothelioma is plastered all over television screens and billboards along site roads, however, the meaning of the cancer is still unknown to most United States citizens.
http://ezinearticles.com/?The-Hidden-Secrets-of-Mesothelioma&id=882646 - Dec 18, 2007
Filing a Mesothelioma Lawsuit
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, the first step once you have dealt with the pressing medical issues should be contacting an attorney to find out if you are eligible to file a mesothelioma lawsuit. Because mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos, usually on the job, in most cases there will be grounds for a lawsuit against the person's employer at the time of the exposure.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Filing-a-Mesothelioma-Lawsuit&id=928023 - Jan 17, 2008
Mesothelioma Lawyers - How to Find a Good One
If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, or a loved one has been diagnosed with, or has died as a result of mesothelioma or another asbestos-related illness, you are probably entitled to compensation. Fortunately, there are plenty of good mesothelioma lawyers available for people in your situation.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Lawyers---How-to-Find-a-Good-One&id=928075 - Jan 16, 2008
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65 - Sep 11, 2006

Search Results for: mesothelioma

Showing results 51 - 75 of 957 for mesothelioma - (0.04 seconds)

Mesothelioma Information Asbestos Cancer: Let's Inform the World
During decades, mesothelioma information was being denied to hard working people that after being exposed to asbestos for a long time developed the illness. This can all be prevented with easy prevention steps.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Information-Asbestos-Cancer:-Lets-Inform-the-World&id=296114 - Sep 12, 2006
Mesothelioma - Your Questions Answered
Mesothelioma is a rare and potentially fatal malignancy that affects the pleural and rarely the peritoneal membranes. Exposure to asbestos is the primary cause for this form of cancer. Do you have many questions and answers on mesothelioms? Then read on for some answers.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma---Your-Questions-Answered&id=1293247 - Jul 03, 2008
Mesothelioma Cancer
Mesothelioma is a type of cancer involving mesothelial tissues of body organs usually lungs or abdominal. It is often caused by exposure to asbestos. However, there are 30-50% of patients without any history of asbestos exposure. People who have received asbestos exposure of as little as one or two months to very low doses are at risk of mesothelioma cancer.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Cancer&id=9854 - Jan 17, 2005
Mesothelioma is generally caused by the inhalation of fibers from asbestos, which is a carcinogenic material. It is commonly seen among workers in the construction industry who have long exposure to asbestos. It can also be caused by living in asbestos insulated buildings for a long period of time, Genetics plays an important role, and some people are more vulnerable to the risk than others.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma&id=202145 - May 20, 2006
Mesothelioma- the Financial Costs to Society
This article looks at the financial costs to society due to asbestos related diseases such as Mesothelioma. Financal costs include Public Health costs and cost to Government Tax revenues.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma--the-Financial-Costs-to-Society&id=124985 - Jan 10, 2006
Compensation For Mesothelioma
This article gives a basic introduction to litigation regarding mesothelioma. Different types of litigation are mentioned, as well as typical compensation, and several key points regarding the matter.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Compensation-For-Mesothelioma&id=1234712 - Jun 11, 2008
Mesothelioma Symptoms and Signs
IF you or some you know suspects mesothelioma, you must read this article. Covered are common symptoms and signs of mesothelioma, as well as treatment options.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Symptoms-and-Signs&id=1241894 - Jun 13, 2008
Mesothelioma Cancer Stages Explained
Mesothelioma cancer is a type of cancer that attacks the lungs and chest cavity. Also known as asbestos lung cancer, it forms deadly tumors where mesothelial cancer cells form a protective lining over the lungs, heart, and abdominal organs. It is a type of lung cancer that takes many years to develop and produce symptoms. Roughly 3,000 cases per year (mostly men over the age of 40) are reported. It is estimated that number will grow to about 300,000 cases before 2030.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Cancer-Stages-Explained&id=594397 - Jun 06, 2007
Mesothelioma Research Funding: Miracle Foundation
A foundation exists aimed at providing people with information and tips of mesothelioma as well as help and aid. If you thought you were alone in this battle, think again because there are many others who have been through what you are going.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Research-Funding:-Miracle-Foundation&id=296321 - Sep 12, 2006
What is Mesothelioma?
Most Americans are probably not quite sure what mesothelioma is. Many though, can probably associate the word mesothelioma with an attorney or possible litigation. As I flip through the channels on my television set, I too, notice that mesothelioma is frequently mentioned by law firms. However, the focus of this article is to educate the public on what mesothelioma is.
http://ezinearticles.com/?What-is-Mesothelioma?&id=531538 - Apr 18, 2007
Mesothelioma Attorneys Can Help Your Family
Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that is caused by someone being exposed to asbestos. It is an incredibly lethal form of cancer that has drawn a lot of attention over the past few years as it has raised many legal issues. But often, it is caused by negligence of a company or contractor. What do you do in those situations? Read this article.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Attorneys-Can-Help-Your-Family&id=1540594 - Oct 07, 2008
Mesothelioma Lawyers - Do You Need One
Employers are responsible for the safety of their workers. If it is proved that they have been exposed to asbestos through their job either past or present, the compensation awarded by the courts for Mesothelioma cancer can be substantial.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Lawyers---Do-You-Need-One&id=436328 - Feb 01, 2007
Mesothelioma Research
Symptoms of mesothelioma take a long time to develop, which is a major reason for the high fatality rate. Symptoms include shortness of breath, difficult breathing, and pain in the chest or abdominal cavity. Chest pains indicate that the disease is aggravating the nerve cells in the tissues, and has reached a serious stage. Less severe chest discomfort and shortness of breath are generally due to the accumulation of fluid between the two layers of the pleura.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Research&id=183042 - Apr 21, 2006
Why Should You Hire a Mesothelioma Attorney?
Mesothelioma can be devastating. A diagnosis of mesothelioma sometimes means a bad prognosis - that you have at most 24 months to live. Protect your rights and get the services of a mesothelioma attorney.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Why-Should-You-Hire-a-Mesothelioma-Attorney?&id=987557 - Feb 18, 2008
Mesothelioma Asbestos Claim: Know Your Rights
Many people infected with mesothelioma have no idea why they got it and look for information without even knowing that they can seek legal compensation. This devastates my heart knowing that a life is crippled and it's not their fault.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Asbestos-Claim:-Know-Your-Rights&id=301278 - Sep 18, 2006
Mesothelioma Prognosis Facts
Unfortunately, individuals suffering from mesothelioma (a form of cancer caused by asbestos exposure) have a rather poor prognosis. There is currently no cure for mesothelioma, and once the disease is discovered, patients usually only have a short time to live.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Prognosis-Facts&id=928155 - Jan 16, 2008
Mesothelioma - Gain The Cancer Facts To Become Aware Of
Confirming if Mesothelioma is present is done through a biopsy, performed by an oncologist or even a doctor specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer pathologies, removes a small sample of tissue from a patient and examines it using a microscope. Difficulty breathing, abdominal and chest pain, and fever can all be attributed to other causes, so this cancer can have the time to advance fairly well before diagnosis of the disease.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma---Gain-The-Cancer-Facts-To-Become-Aware-Of&id=375077 - Dec 06, 2006
Asbestos Induced Lung Cancer Pervasive in Veterans
According to statistics, more than 30% of Americans suffering from mesothelioma - a deadly asbestos-induced lung cancer - were exposed to asbestos while serving their country.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Asbestos-Induced-Lung-Cancer-Pervasive-in-Veterans&id=692170 - Aug 20, 2007
Introduction to Epithelial Mesothelioma
Epithelial mesothelioma is a rare disease caused by asbestos exposure that may have occurred decades before the patient is diagnosed. It is not contagious and cannot be passed from one person to another. Unlike lung cancer, there is no association between epithelial mesothelioma and smoking.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Introduction-to-Epithelial-Mesothelioma&id=936773 - Jan 22, 2008
Asbestos Mesothelioma Resource: Get to Know It
Many people don't know what mesothelioma is and its implications. You should know what your rights are and take action in order to have justice. It's your right to know where mesothelioma comes from and why you or a close person to you has it.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Asbestos-Mesothelioma-Resource:-Get-to-Know-It&id=299948 - Sep 18, 2006
Asbestos And Mesothelioma
Asbestos is a carcinogenic, fibrous mineral, which is at times used in construction, usually for insulating purposes. People who live or work in conditions where they are exposed to asbestos fibers run the risk of developing mesothelioma. Despite its health hazards, asbestos is often used in construction due to the fact that it is relatively a cheap material.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Asbestos-And-Mesothelioma&id=182995 - Apr 21, 2006
A Brief Overview of Mesothelioma
This article provides an overview of mesothelioma. It is targeted at common readers.
http://ezinearticles.com/?A-Brief-Overview-of-Mesothelioma&id=189390 - May 04, 2006
Peritoneal Mesothelioma
Approximately 10-20 percent of the cases of mesothelioma begin in the lining of the abdominal cavity (peritoneal mesotheliomas). This type of mesothelioma does not respond well to treatment, but is less common than pleural mesothelioma, which affects the membrane covering the lungs.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Peritoneal-Mesothelioma&id=182993 - Apr 21, 2006
Mesothelioma Facts
Summarizes key facts about Mesothelioma development, types, causes, cure and more.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Facts&id=222023 - Jun 19, 2006
Mesothelioma Treatment & Information
Information on mesothelioma and treatment options. Understand the different symptoms and why it is important to get help quickly.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Treatment-andamp;-Information&id=328085 - Oct 20, 2006

Showing results 101 - 125 of 957 for mesothelioma - (0.03 seconds)

Selecting A Mesothelioma Lawyer
It is very important to find a lawyer that has years of experience and positive jury verdicts for mesothelioma cases. When hiring a mesothelioma lawyer it is important to find someone who you can trust and who you feel has your best interest as their top priority.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Selecting-A-Mesothelioma-Lawyer&id=322589 - Oct 10, 2006
What is Asbestos and Where Did People Use this Material?
Asbestos related lung cancer is a dangerous disease, but what is asbestos? How looks like? And where people used this material? You can find the answers in this article.
http://ezinearticles.com/?What-is-Asbestos-and-Where-Did-People-Use-this-Material?&id=193406 - May 09, 2006
How to Tell if You Have Mesothelioma from Asbestos Exposure
Learn the three main types of mesothelioma, the symptoms and which areas of the body are effected. Mesothelioma information and resources.
http://ezinearticles.com/?How-to-Tell-if-You-Have-Mesothelioma-from-Asbestos-Exposure&id=57352 - Aug 05, 2005
Mesothelioma Treatment - Chemotherapy
Mesotheliomic patients are often told of the short survival duration of 6 - 12 months. But doctors specialized in treating malignant Mesothelioma at leading cancer centers expect better survival rates.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Treatment---Chemotherapy&id=623459 - Jul 02, 2007
Mesothelioma Types and Their Symptoms
Mesothelioma cancer be benign, i.e. it can be non-cancerous and non-spreading or it can be malignant i.e. cancerous and spread to other parts of the body leading to death. Mesothelioma can be classified into three types depending on the area of body affected by it.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Types-and-Their-Symptoms&id=661272 - Jul 30, 2007
Mesothelioma Attorney - Get What You Deserve
No one can put a price on anyone's life. Being the victim of a disease is an unfortunate thing, especially if it could have been prevented. Seek the help of a mesothelioma attorney and get what you deserve.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Attorney---Get-What-You-Deserve&id=265462 - Aug 10, 2006
Mesothelioma Cancer Treatment and Prevention
Mesothelioma is a form of cancer. It caused by previous exposure to asbestos. An exposure of as little as one or two months can result in mesothelioma 30 or 40 years later. Simian virus 40 (SV40) may act as a cofactor in the development of mesothelioma.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Cancer-Treatment-and-Prevention&id=643369 - Jul 15, 2007
Get a Mesothelioma Attorney Now
Did you know there is a time limit on how long you can wait, after being diagnosed with mesothelioma, until they no longer allow you to file a lawsuit? Get a mesothelioma attorney now and start taking action.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Get-a-Mesothelioma-Attorney-Now&id=264386 - Aug 09, 2006
Finding the Right Mesothelioma Attorney
It's difficult to deal with a disease such as mesothelioma. Choosing an attorney doesn't have to be just as hard.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Finding-the-Right-Mesothelioma-Attorney&id=262641 - Aug 07, 2006
Mesothelioma Laws and Mesothelioma Legal Suing
Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that is developed in people who have worked on jobs where they have inhaled asbestos particles. The people who have been exposed to asbestos dust and fiber in other ways may also develop this cancerous condition. The laws concerning Mesothelioma and mesothelioma legal suing is discussed here.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Laws-and-Mesothelioma-Legal-Suing&id=534353 - Apr 20, 2007
Mesothelioma Cancer - Causes
The predominant factor that causes mesothelioma is by exposure to asbestos fibers. There are however situations of exposure to asbestos from individuals that do not work in an environment where asbestos is used. There are also minor factors that can cause mesothelioma.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Cancer---Causes&id=1435075 - Aug 28, 2008
Mesothelioma Cancer - Different Types
Mesothelioma cancer can be of three types which includes pleural mesothelioma, peritonial mesothelioma and pericardial mesothelioma. Pleural mesothelioma often originates within the chest cavity, peritoneal mesothelioma originate in the abdomen while pericardial mesothelioma originates in the lining that surrounds the heart. Different types of mesothelioma have different characteristics.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Cancer---Different-Types&id=1435063 - Aug 28, 2008
Mesothelioma Exposed!
Mesothelioma is a disease which lives a person, unknown until its too late to get out of its dreadful clinch! Enlighten yourself with the different types of mesothelioma...
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Exposed!&id=143692 - Feb 13, 2006
Mesotheliomas Health Dangers
Mesothelioma is most common in white males who are over fifty years old and have worked as asbestos miners, shipbuilders, railroad workers, automotive construction or repair, workers in the heating or construction industries, and certain types of factory work such as insulation manufacturing. Mesothelioma is an incredibly rare form of cancer. Mesothelioma is regarded as having a long latent interval from exposure to death.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesotheliomas-Health-Dangers&id=902902 - Jan 02, 2008
What Mesothelioma Settlements Mean
Mesothelioma settlements are made when the court has ruled in favor of the plaintiff. This is the person who has filed the legal suit against a particular company or corporation.
http://ezinearticles.com/?What-Mesothelioma-Settlements-Mean&id=1251461 - Jun 16, 2008
Battle Rages in Congress Over Mesothelioma Bill Regarding Asbestos Litigation
Lobbyists are trying desperately to pass a crucial bill regarding the denial of victims rights regarding asbestos litigation.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Battle-Rages--in-Congress-Over-Mesothelioma-Bill-Regarding-Asbestos-Litigation&id=139579 - Feb 04, 2006
Mesothelioma Legal Help
Mesothelioma legal assistance for those stricken with an asbestos-related disease, such as Mesothelioma. Since the only known cause of mesothelioma in the United States is asbestos, the key to successful case is proving exposure to the product(s) responsible for the injury. That is why you need to hire an experienced asbestos related disease attorney. This is not to say that the asbestos industry will simply give away any money...
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Legal-Help&id=376321 - Dec 13, 2006
The Importance of Your Mesothelioma Attorney
Your choice of mesothelioma attorney is very important because an asbestos cancer case is not cut and dry. 80% of mesothelioma is caused by smoking which provides a compelling defense for the asbestos companies.
http://ezinearticles.com/?The-Importance-of-Your-Mesothelioma-Attorney&id=1070428 - Apr 01, 2008
Mesothelioma Cancer - The War Against Asbestos
About 2,000 new cases of Mesothelioma are diagnosed in the United States each year. This numbers of cases are growing at exponential sizes because of the big Asbestos exposure that the citizens have in our days. This form of cancer is almost always caused by previous exposure to asbestos. With the Mesotheliomas Cases growing exponential the requirements of trustful information are huge.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Cancer---The-War-Against-Asbestos&id=876354 - Dec 14, 2007
Mesothelioma - How to Choose the Right Mesothelioma Attorney
If you are suffering from Mesothelioma that was born from exposure to the deadly asbestos fibers you know you do not have much time left. Besides your health issue, you worry and think about your loved ones and family after your passing. You want your loved ones to carry on enjoying the comforts of life that they have right now rather than suffer after your death.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma---How-to-Choose-the-Right-Mesothelioma-Attorney&id=914435 - Jan 07, 2008
What is Mesothelioma?
Mesothelioma is a malignant cancer usually caused by exposure to asbestos. Learn more about it in this article.
http://ezinearticles.com/?What-is-Mesothelioma?&id=906349 - Jan 03, 2008
Mesothelioma Lawyers
With an increase in mesothelioma cases across the US, it’s important for individuals to learn the essential steps in tackling this deadly cancer. One of the foremost items is the selection of a competent mesothelioma lawyer. Today there is no dearth of mesothelioma lawyers in the US. With the increasing number of mesothelioma cases, lawyers dealing with mesothelioma are also on the rise. Mesothelioma lawyers are experienced professionals who have dealt with several successful mesothelioma lawsuits.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Mesothelioma-Lawyers&id=272136 - Aug 17, 2006
What is Mesothelioma Lung Cancer?
Mesothelioma is nothing but a cancer of mesothelium. It affects the abdominal cavity, chest cavity and the region surrounding the heart. It is basically the covering structure of most of the internal organs of the body. Mesothelioma is typically difficult to diagnose and treat due to its uncommon nature.
http://ezinearticles.com/?What-is-Mesothelioma-Lung-Cancer?&id=1413149 - Aug 19, 2008
Is Mesothelioma a Sleeping Dragon?
Although mesothelioma is rare, annually this cancer is increasing. It can take as long as 50 years following asbestos exposure before mesothelioma develops. Once diagnosed, the survival rate depends on the stage but is generally poor. It is assumed that in next few years the annual rate of new cases will peak and hopefully gradually reduce.
http://ezinearticles.com/?Is-Mesothelioma-a-Sleeping-Dragon?&id=635689 - Nov 11, 2008
What is Mesothelioma?
Mesothelioma is a type of cancer which is almost always caused by exposure to asbestos. In mesothelioma , malignant type cells form and develop within the mesothelium, a protective lining which covers the internal organs of the body...
http://ezinearticles.com/?What-is-Mesothelioma?&id=1069895 - Mar 28, 2008

Pain Management in Mesothelioma

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