Jumat, 28 November 2008


How to Get Selected to Participate in a Reality Show
Posted: Fri, 28 Nov 2008 08:41:33 -0600
With television turning more and more toward reality shows, it has opened up the world of entertainment to you and me, common viewers. Suddenly, anyone can participate in show biz, but you are going to have a lot of competition. So, how do you manage to get selected to participate in a reality show?

Twilight - The Book Comes to the Big Screen - An Outsider's View
Posted: Fri, 28 Nov 2008 08:09:32 -0600
Some thoughts on the release and success of the first Twilight movie, from a non-fan who is open to being shown the charms of the series. The thing is huge, so there has to be SOMETHING to it, hasn't there?

Why Dexter is My Favorite Show on Television
Posted: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 15:42:24 -0600
I rarely bother watching TV. Most of what makes it on the tube is mindless cookie cutter drivel. But there are a few exceptions and most of them seem to be on the pay cable networks (HBO & Showtime.) Dexter is the best drama on television right now.

James Bond Quiz - Which is the Coolest James Bond Film?
Posted: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 15:32:07 -0600
James Bond is no Superman. Though this may be true, his propensity for saving the world can rival that of any popular superhero we know.

Twilight - Family Movie Review
Posted: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 15:25:24 -0600
So the next stage of the best-selling book phenomenon has begun. Twilight has made it to the big screen. For those of you who do not know, it's a classic tale of forbidden love, but with a monumental twist. Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) is a vampire, and Bella Swan's (Kristen Stewart) blood is the sweetest he's ever smelled. While falling hopelessly in love with her, he must learn to tame his burning desire to kill her. This kind of tension makes for a great story.

The Devil's Advocate Movie Review
Posted: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 14:30:35 -0600
"The Devil's Advocate" is gripping, entertaining and dark with a touch of humor. It's a great film with a memorable performance from Al Pacino as the ultimate bad guy.

The Bank - Movie Review
Posted: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 14:30:06 -0600
"Greed is good," pronounced Gordon Geccho (Michael Douglas) in the Oliver Stone classic film "Wall Street". Although "The Bank" is a lot of fun, dramatic and has a strong themes pertaining to greed, especially to do with big banks, it really is just a poor cousin to "Wall Street" which covered a lot of the same territory, but in much better style.

Terminator 2 Judgment Day - Movie Review
Posted: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 14:29:39 -0600
Terminator 2 is without a doubt a classic, no-holds-barred action film that still manages to pack a hell of a punch even after all this time. This film has that uncanny ability to just grab your attention from the outset and suck you completely in to its simple, but highly intriguing story about two killer robots from the future coming back in time to decide the fate of the future and either kill or protect the leader of the human resistance in the future war against the machines.

Doctor Who - Looking to the Future of the Science Fiction Legend
Posted: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 13:53:46 -0600
On the heels of David Tennant's announcement that he is to leave the role of the world's favourite Time Lord upon completion of the 2009 special episodes, the Doctor Who fan community has ignited with theories and suggestions for the future of the series. While some of these ideas are pretty outlandish, we can be sure that new show-runner Steven Moffat will do his utmost to remain true to the central core values and ideals of the series itself.

Mamma Mia! The Movie Review
Posted: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 13:45:41 -0600
You cannot really be too harsh on a film like this; it's pure, escapist fun. I've never enjoyed musicals for the simple reason that when I see actors break out in to song, the suspension of disbelief evaporates, leaving a corny, unreal feel to the proceedings. "Mamma Mia!" is not immune to that problem, however, the cast sing and act in such a genuine fashion, with a story that is directed with passion and enthusiasm by original stage director Phyllida Lloyd, that it's hard not to have fun watching the trials of young Sophie as she tries to establish who her real father is, and in the process, uncover her mother's more promiscuous past so she can move forward with her own wedding, marriage and life.

What Happens in Vegas Movie Review
Posted: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 13:45:18 -0600
There is something innately rotten at the core of "What Happens In Vegas" which even the biggest of cynics would find distasteful. The setup is made of the same formulaic stuff that always emanates from the romantic comedy genre, only the characters and their motivations are despicable; this could have worked if done properly (just check out old episodes of "Seinfeld" if you want despicable characters that are lovable) but it doesn't, leaving two otherwise energetic and charismatic stars in Ashton Kutcher and Cameron Diaz looking nasty, cheap and unredeemable.

Talk Radio
Posted: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 11:00:09 -0600
Oliver Stone's Talk Radio took its inspiration from a real event: the murder of liberal Denver radio personality Alan Berg at the behest of a militant right-wing hate group. Here is the story: Barry Champlain is a provocative radio talk-show host, whose racy eloquence and inflammatory views stirs up both love and hate among his listeners.

Heroes Season 3 Episode 9 Review - "Its Coming" Hilarity Ensues!
Posted: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 10:32:12 -0600
Hey fellow readers! Today I'm bringing you my REVIEW of the latest Heroes episode for season 3. This episode was aired November 18, 2008. So lets begin! Oh And before you guys read on SPOILERS ARE EVERYWHERE! But then again you probably seen it already so no biggie. Episode 9 Season 3 Heroes : "It's Coming" The title for this episode just sounds like a bad porno flick that I would probably watch. But please hold the Ali Larter for goodness sake.

The Best 10 TV Shows of All Time - Number 2 - Six Feet Under
Posted: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 10:27:38 -0600
The definitive list of favourite television programs by an individual is subjective and depends on the persons tastes. In this series "The Best 10 T.V. Shows of All Time", I will discuss, dissect and offer my critique on what for ME are the all time great T.V. programs ever. You may disagree with the choices but no one can deny their respective quality of content and entertainment value.

How Good is Freeware Movie Editing Software?
Posted: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 09:51:03 -0600
There are a lot of different options out there for those interested in Freeware Movie Editing Software. You can find a bunch of different options out there that will work with the various operating systems. There are some options that are meant for more advanced users, but there are also some systems that are good for beginners.

Dish Network - It's All About the Value
Posted: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 09:28:18 -0600
Let's face it- the price of television service makes a huge difference in the company you choose and the types of service which you eventually end up with. Usually, you decide how much you can afford and figure out what you can get for that amount of money. Unfortunately, this might mean you have to miss out on the types of service or the amount of programming that you really want. However, it doesn't have to be this way. If you sign up with Dish Network, you will be able to get more services that you ever thought possible without spending more than you can afford.

Review of Every Clone High Episode
Posted: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 09:20:48 -0600
Clone High was a highly entertaining and funny show that was originally put on the air by MTV. The show was cancelled by episode 10 and the serious finale was never even aired.

We Can Lead the Country But Can't Get a Lead on Prime Time
Posted: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 09:18:56 -0600
With the upcoming exception of Laurence Fishburne, who will be taking over the LVPD CSI unit when William Petersen's Gil Grissom exits, people of color cannot seem to get a leading role on prime time TV. It's not just Black folks either. In fact, African-Americans have a better shot at the lead (i.

Hellboy II the Golden Army Blu Ray Review
Posted: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 09:03:13 -0600
Hellboy II was release on November 11th 2008 which was directed by Guillermo Del Toro who also directed movies such as blade II, Hellboy and his recently announced film The Hobbit. The design work is superior to the first movie and the humor is ratcheted up a notch. The fights are better and more thrilling and the monsters are way cool.

Seven Steps For Attracting Abundance As an Actor
Posted: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 07:08:52 -0600
My own belief is that every one of us - including YOU - has abundance readily available to them, although most people do not access it. Actors in particular seem to feel that they are somehow at the effect of everything and have no power to bring abundance about. Here are step steps for you to create abundance and whatever else you want in your life.

Agents Vs Managers - Do I Need Both? When Do I Need a Manager?
Posted: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 07:07:49 -0600
A little history is needed, so here's the short version. In the past, managers were just needed when you had a career to manage. However, a few years ago, a dispute began between the agencies and SAG which had to do with a conflict of interest where some agencies also wanted to be the producer on some of their clients' projects.

You've Written Your Script - Now Write Your Pitch
Posted: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 07:06:45 -0600
Let me start by telling you that when I say "pitching," I mean any time you are telling your story -- whether written or verbal -- in order to get someone interested in it. When you share about your script at your writer's group, you are pitching. When you tell your cousin or your plumber about it, you are pitching.

The Best 10 TV Shows of All Time - Number 1 - M A S H
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 15:27:27 -0600
A definitive list of all-time best television shows (Drama, Comedy, Variety, Game Show etc.) is subjective and impossible to agree upon. However, my choice, MY definitive list will prove to be thought provoking. I will be choosing programs that are not only entertaining but ground breaking in their their respective themes. These are shows that opened the door for young producers, directors and actors alike.

Cinema Releases - Christmas 2008
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 15:14:15 -0600
The Christmas season is fast approaching, and so is the anticipation and expectation for the movies that will be released in cinemas these holidays. Watching movies, whether in cinemas or on DVD, has become a tradition of the holidays and is an aspect that increases the charm of the holiday season. Some movies are released a little before Christmas while there are others that are released during the Christmas holidays.

Max Payne Movie Review, Starring Mark Wahlberg and Mila Kunis
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 15:02:49 -0600
Synopsis: Max Payne is a maverick cop - a mythic anti-hero - determined to track down those responsible for the brutal murders of his family and partner. Hell-bent on revenge, his obsessive investigation takes him on a nightmare journey into a dark underworld. As the mystery deepens, Max is forced to battle enemies beyond the natural world and face an unthinkable betrayal.

Rachel Food - Sumptuous & Delicious
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 14:28:54 -0600
On air, for the last two years, Rachel food show is doing just great. This hour-long syndicated series is a daily affair.

DTV Channels - Learn Which Digital Channels Are in Your Area
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 14:08:18 -0600
If you are looking for DTV channels you are probably interested in converting your current analog signal to receive 100% digital quality programming. The good news is that beginning on February 19th, 2009 you will be able to receive digital quality broadcasting by all the local stations in your area as they will no longer be able to send analog airwaves anymore. There are many channels already that broadcast in digital and if you only receive analog signals through an antenna you are missing out on these.

DTV Answers About the Analag to Digital Conversion
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 14:07:50 -0600
You have probably seen all the commercials and looking for the DTV answers yourself after seeing so many ads about the analog to digital conversion. As you probably are aware of all the broadcasting in your local area throughout the U.S.

Tomorrow Never Dies Movie Review
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 13:46:48 -0600
The second Pierce Brosnan Bond film is something of a step backward story-wise, having a much 'thinner' plot than Goldeneye. On the plus side, Brosnan is finally secure in his role, portraying Bond with the right amount of charm, confidence and arrogance and he is ably assisted by some spectacular action sequences, some very colourful villains, and an interesting sub-plot where he has to meet up with an ex-lover to get to the bad guy. This film is more like an American action film; it's louder, noisier, has more explosions and stunts, and barely stops to offer any strong story development aside from what's necessary to get from point A to point B.

The Matrix Reloaded Movie Review
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 13:46:25 -0600
'The Matrix' was assured a sequel the minute it became such a surprise hit back in 1999. Rather than go with one sequel, Warner Brothers green-lit back-to-back sequels (much like the 'Back To The Future' model) and four years later, we got both of them. It's hard to know what to say about both of these films.

Thirteen Days Movie Review
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 13:45:36 -0600
"Thirteen Days" is a thrilling account of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Although this is a dramatisation of a real-life events, if what is portrayed in this film is not how it really went down, then it sure feels like it is when you watch it. The research and detail that went in to this film is impeccable, with many of the top level discussions portrayed here between President Kennedy and his advisers taken word for word where practicable from historic audio tapes of the real events.

The World is Not Enough Movie Review
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 13:45:09 -0600
The Bond producers must have realised that Tomorrow Never Dies relied too much on action and big set pieces because this installment in the Pierce Brosnan Bond films is perhaps the best of all of his outings; it still provides the big action sequences, but there is a strong story and character arc for Bond this time and like Goldeneye, He's up against some more complex, down-to-Earth and personal villains.

The Matrix Movie Review
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 13:45:05 -0600
Returning to 1999, the mass audience was awaiting with unbridled anticipation the return of Star Wars with the eagerly awaited Episode I: The Phantom Menace. But before George Lucas' continuing epic hit theatres a surprise packet of a sci-fi film hit the screens a month or so before called "The Matrix" and arguably trumped Episode I, at least in terms of storytelling.

The Sixth Sense Movie Review
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 13:35:44 -0600
What "The Sixth Sense" does so well is that it became a mainstream blockbuster that relied on old-fashioned storytelling with great performances rather than relying on high tech special effects sequences that are devoid of drama or feeling. It also taps in to the human perception that there is something else beyond our world that we can't see or access, but nevertheless so many of us believe is there. In many ways, the idea of ghosts in the film is almost beside the point; it's actually a film about relationships and human perception.

The Simpsons Movie Review
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 13:35:00 -0600
This is a really good Simpsons episode that unfortunately doesn't reach brilliance like the TV shows due to a few ill-judged decisions in the script. That said, it's highly enjoyable, entertaining and for the most part funny. What's surprising is that I've found people who are not Simpsons fans, or even who aren't in to the show find the movie quite entertaining. I guess on that level the filmmakers succeeded! And with all the money it's exhumed from the box office and DVD sales, I'm sure there will be another in the pipeline at some point.

The Shining Movie Review
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 13:34:44 -0600
The incredible helicopter shot which opens The Shining which follows a car through the mountains, combined with the downbeat, chilling musical score immediately establishes this horror film as being different to almost all others of its type. The film is loosely based on Stephen King's horror novel of the same name, although it's very much a Kubrick film, focusing more on psychological terror rather than traditional horror scares. It's a unique film in its own right, largely thanks to Kubrick's esoteric vision, offering some very unique images and a memorable performance from lead star Jack Nicholson.

The Ring Movie Review
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 13:33:53 -0600
This has to be one of the most terrifying films I've seen, and that includes the original Japanese version of "The Ring". Somehow I think this American remake is so much better than the original, simply because there's less explanation as to how the evil is doing what it does. The less you know about something, the more scary it is, and it's with that notion that director Gore Verbinski has grafted a uniquely underplayed, yet frightening horror film that will at times leave you fighting to keep looking at the screen because you'll be too scared to look.

The Queen Movie Review
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 13:33:20 -0600
From the outset this film tells a very gripping, character-driven drama which although is centred around the lives of some of the most famous people in the world, is grounded so much in a reality that you would think you're seeing the real events unfold. "The Queen" is an authentic triumph, bringing together a stellar cast that with one or two exceptions give you the feeling that you're watching the real-life people up on screen.

The Prestige Movie Review
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 13:33:08 -0600
Much of the nature of film is illusion; filmmakers often conjure up great drama and misdirection to move audiences through the story journey that they wish to take them on. "The Prestige" is a movie that is based on a practitioner that also utilises many of the same techniques, the magician. Popular in the Victorian era, magicians would wow audiences with misdirection and sleight of hand to make the unbelievable believable. Upon reviewing this latest film from director Christopher Nolan, I would have to say that he has accomplished the exact same feat.

The Negotiator Movie Review
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 13:32:48 -0600
As a first rate mystery/action/thriller, "The Negotiator" delivers the goods in almost every department. What gives this story a unique twist is the idea that a police negotiator would himself take hostages in order to force the guilty parties to the surface; it adds a great deal of tension and drama to the story as our hero, Danny Roman (played by a never-better Samuel L. Jackson), literally backs himself in to a corner and forces not only himself, but his colleagues in the police force, in to a show-down that will end only with the truth coming to the surface or his death.

The Naked Gun Movie Review
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 13:31:39 -0600
Based on a failed TV series, The Files of Police Squad, "The Naked Gun" makes an impressive jump to the big screen to become one of the funniest comedies you're likely to see. The same word-play, gags and slapstick that worked so well in movies like "Flying High" are back in abundance, and in some cases, surpass them. Leslie Nielsen couldn't be better as the nutty policeman Frank Drebin who despite constantly screwing things up somehow manages to save the day in the end.

The Mummy Returns Movie Review
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 13:31:14 -0600
The technique and execution of this big-budget sequel to The Mummy is much slicker and precise than that original film, but somehow the story has lost some of its novelty; it's got some very entertaining sequences and the characters from the first film are just as admirable as before, and the idea of the Scorpion King is a fresh injection of creativity. However, unlike the first film where we were put on an Indiana Jones style journey into myth and legend, this one is more a straight out monster movie with big action sequences. And the visual effects this time, ...

The Mummy Movie Review
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 13:30:58 -0600
Everything in 1999 was geared towards the return of Star Wars with The Phantom Menace. Two films came out that year the caught everyone by surprise; the first was The Matrix and the second was "The Mummy", a superior remake of the 1932 horror classic which modernises the Mummy as a terrifying monster, and delivers a film that hasn't been seen since the likes of the Indiana Jones films. This film has some big images, big scares, great and fun characters, and most surprisingly, some comedy that actually works with the scares. Director Stephen Sommers has created a fun thrill ride of a film that will entertain you throughout.

The Matrix Revolutions Movie Review
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 13:30:50 -0600
'The Matrix Revolutions' continues where Reloaded left off and somehow manages to be even more confusing and convoluted than that film while not having as much plot to go through! The film is a visual feast with some spectacular images and sequences which are probably the best in the entire series, but there doesn't seem to be much story in this final chapter. It really just comes down to Neo confronting his destiny with the Machines and in turn the Machines unleashing an all-out assault on the last human city of Zion.

Television Production 101
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 13:11:50 -0600
This article is number one in a series of articles about television production. In our series, we will cover almost all aspects of television production as it happens in a large city. (NY is the fourth largest city in America, so we begin with one of the best places to start a career in television production). If you are interested in learning more about television production either as a hobby or as a career, this would be the place for you to begin.

The Brave One Movie Review
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 13:02:53 -0600
A lot of elements in "The Brave One" are actually unique for the revenge film, least of all being that the lead character not only knows that what she's doing is wrong but that she is starting to hate herself for it. As played by Jodie Foster, Erica Bain is a woman at war with her own soul as she wanders through the night, knocking off bad guys who most would think actually deserved it; it plays to a primal instinct in all of us to take an eye for an eye, but in our supposedly more enlightened society, an intelligent person should be able to overcome these primal instincts.

The Terminator Movie Review
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 11:59:53 -0600
"The Terminator" is an historic classic; for me personally it's probably the best action film I've ever seen (from my own subjective standpoint of course!). Although its sequel, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, is far superior technologically and visually, this first film in the franchise is by far the best of them all, and in no small part thanks to James Cameron's brilliant script and direction in which he creates a moody, atmospheric landscape within which a battle between man and machine is waged.

Terminator 3 Rise of the Machines - Movie Review
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 11:59:50 -0600
As a sci-fi actioner, T3 is quite a decent piece of entertainment. However, as a successor to the hugely popular and just plain brilliant first two entries in the franchise, T3 falls way below the mark; this is hardly surprising as the man who got the ball rolling in the first place, director James Cameron, is inconspicuously absent from T3 and in that absence, you lose the flavour, the nuance and the serious dramatic touches that made T1 and T2 such spectacular action masterpieces.

The Last Time Movie Review
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 11:57:16 -0600
"The Last Time" would be a complete waste of time if it weren't for some rock-solid performances from the leads (that appear to have directed themselves for the most part) and a great ending. There's a lot of elements to this film that could have come together to create an excellent, quirky little thriller with some dark humor but none of it gels together at all leaving a film that is by and large without direction and jarringly jumps from one style/tone to the next.

The Insider Movie Review
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 11:56:26 -0600
Michael Mann really knows how to select scripts, and actors too I might add. This film is an excellent thriller with some stand out performances by the leads. The intricacies of watching Russell pitted against the big business machine of tobacco is riveting to watch, especially with the cavalier disregard the corporation that Russell once worked for shows no remorse whatsoever that its product is actually killing people.

The Devil Wears Prada Movie Review
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 11:56:09 -0600
"The Devil Wears Prada" is an entertaining film that is unlikely to bore you and worth spending 104 minutes of your life on. How much you like it really depends on your interest in fashion.

The Day After Tomorrow Movie Review
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 11:55:07 -0600
'From the director of Independence Day' is not what I would call a ringing endorsement to go run out and watch "The Day After Tomorrow" but to put you at ease, this film is far superior to director Roland Emmerich's silly alien invasion disaster movie. It's still ridiculous in parts, mainly so he can squeeze all his CG money shots in with lots of fleeing extras, but the difference with this film is that it actually has a message that resonates strongly within the world which we live, especially now with the threat of global warming upon us.

The Break Up Movie Review
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 11:54:24 -0600
Here's a notion to turn a romantic comedy on its head; what happens once the couple get together and they're relationship goes south? This is the entertaining premise behind "The Break-Up", featuring some good performances by Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston as the duelling couple who eventually call it quits. Strangely, it works on a more (mostly) realistic level; I wouldn't call it an outright comedy because there's a dark undertone running through the proceedings, and the gags and tactics the two play on each other aren't always really that funny (although some are).

"What Just Happened" Movie
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 11:03:45 -0600
Not hilarious, but it's definitely dry humor at a sophisticated level. And the subject matter is delicious. It's been said that after all financing, technical, directorial, casting, editing, film politics and personalities are taken into account, it is a miracle that any motion picture film ever gets completed and released.

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas Movie
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 11:02:28 -0600
"The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" presents itself as an 8-year-old boy's viewpoint, but the level of the story treatment is, a bit disconcertingly, that of an adult. Yet this very unusual Holocaust tale tenaciously holds to a slowly welling suspense.

"Bolt" Movie
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 11:00:14 -0600
"Bolt," playing in 3-D in some theaters, will also keep parents reasonably amused. It's devoid of any special new style. Rather, this is yet another talking animal animation movie with ultimately flawless technique, if not the Pixar Studio productions finesse. Its action is so smooth and real.

The Review of Madagascar - Escape 2 Africa
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 10:55:46 -0600
The themes of self-esteem and learning your identity and independence are portrayed in the animated movie. Overall, it is a fun watch and worth a good laugh.

The Review of Quantum of Solace
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 10:55:31 -0600
Point of disappointment 2: The plot. It is actually quite plain when it is something like James Bond. The plot just lacks more substance, even when compared to older Bond movies.

"Twilight" Movie
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 10:38:57 -0600
Vampires lite. A teenage chick flick. What director Catherine Hardwicke is dealing with here, or is trying to, is how teenage girls' rising and directionless sexuality would confront a handsome, mentally tortured vampire teenage boy. I won't even make an attempt at commenting on how effective that is in the movie. But I rather believe that teenage girl audiences will have to read their own meanings into this.

The Winter TV Lineup - Finding the Best New Shows
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 10:36:03 -0600
The Winter TV lineup usually brings a few very good shows, but there are also many that are weak and will not survive to be aired again. A little insight into why a new winter show is being scheduled for this less popular TV season can help a viewer find the best new programs on the winter schedule. The winter TV season no longer has to be a boring period of time spent waiting for the "regular" lineup to start up again.

Yuvvraaj Movie Review - Movie Review of Yuvvraaj
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 10:16:49 -0600
Sweeping locales, classy music, good performances and good story line(after a long time) work in Yuvvraaj's favor. Yuvvraaj is a movie high on drama and visuals. After three back to back debacles in Yaadein, Kisna and Black and White, director Subash Ghai seems to have found his old, classic touch.

Rachael Ray - Entrepreneur Extraordinaire in Chef Apparel
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 09:52:32 -0600
In her chef apron Food Network's mainstay Rachael Ray is not only a wildly popular television personality, but also is the author of bestselling cookbooks; and is editor in chief of her own magazine devoted to lifestyles. In 2007 she launched her immensely successful daytime syndicated TV program, Rachael Ray. A joint production of CBS Television and Harpo Productions (Oprah Winfrey's production company), Rachael Ray showcases Rachael's energy, warmth and enthusiasm for cooking and living the good life.

Leading a Double Life With Hanna Montana!
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 08:59:51 -0600
This is the life, so hold on tight - that is how the song goes in the hit show Hanna Montana; and how true it is. Miley Cyrus plays Miley Stewart, a girl who lives a low-key, every day teenager sort of life, attending high school and being boy crazy, but she also leads a double life as a famous pop star with thousands of adoring fans as the infamous Hanna Montana.

Is BT Vision Ahead of It's Time?
Posted: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 07:48:38 -0600
BT Vision, the digital TV service from BT (British Telecom), has so far lagged behind the 'big 2' in UK digital TV (Sky and Virgin Media) in the race to sign up new customers, and it's possibly due to the fact that it's different. When you subscribe to Sky or Virgin you start to receive their TV channels, whether it's the basic set or extra ones bundled on for a higher monthly fee - simple. When you sign up to BT Vision you use the BT Vision set-top box (called a V-Box) to mix Freeview (40 channels of free digital ...

Season Finale of the Real Housewives of Atlanta
Posted: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 15:07:24 -0600
Kim was told by Dallas Austin that she needed country singing boot camp. It didn't seem like Sheree was a stranger to the stripper pole. Don't forget to watch next weeks Housewives reunion show. Just from the previews it looks like it's going to be scandalous.

Rachael Ray TV Show - For One & All
Posted: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 14:47:52 -0600
The Rachael Ray TV show exhibits her tenderness, vigor and her immense desire to live life to the fullest. The show keeps the viewers glued to TV as Rachel explores different aspects of life in her own way, while dishing out sumptuous meals from her kitchen.

Tips For Mastering the Art of Commercial Film Production
Posted: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 14:26:14 -0600
What is it that separates a good film from a bad film? In fact, it is difficult to put your finger on any one item but in the end a good film is one that people will want to watch and a bad film is one that they don't.

The World of Movie Set Production Design
Posted: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 14:18:17 -0600
Who among us hasn't at some point in their lives dreamed of making a career in the movies. However; when most people dream of earning the big bucks in the movies, they think in terms of being a highly paid actor or actress. The truth is though that the people acting in any movie are only one part of it's success because so many other people behind the curtain have actually contributed.

Sound Stages - Design and Creation
Posted: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 14:08:11 -0600
A sound stage is an enclosed area usually inside a movie studio that is specifically designed and built to keep outside sounds out. While this may appear to be simple on the surface, in fact designing and building sound stages is a complex craft.

How to Get a Job at One of the Top Film Studios
Posted: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 14:07:29 -0600
OK. So, you are sick of the same old grind in your same old home town and you are ready to head off to Hollywood and land your dream job at one of the top film studios. Its a common dream of the young and the restless but is it realistically achievable?

What Goes Into Building Sound Stages
Posted: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 13:43:18 -0600
Most people simply turn on their TV sets, watch their shows and are completely oblivious to what a sound stage is. Of course, everyone knows what a stage is but most people couldn't tell you what differentiates a sound stage from any other type of stage.

Undertaking Commercial Film Production on a Shoestring Budget
Posted: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 13:40:57 -0600
Who hasn't heard of the Blair Witch Project? Or maybe you have heard of another movie called The Rocky Horror Picture Show? Or what about The Texas Chain Saw Massacre? So, what do all of these wildly successful movies have in common? The simple answer to that question, is that they were all made on a shoe string budget.

Tinker Bell the Beloved Fairy
Posted: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 13:36:13 -0600
I had the wonderful opportunity to watch the new Tinker bell movie with my granddaughter this weekend. What a great family movie for all ages. Tinker bell has got to be the most popular fairy in the land.

Get the Taste of Television Entertainment on the Internet
Posted: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 13:30:38 -0600
Television is one of the rarest technological innovations which since the time of its invention has maintained a steady or rather an ascending favoritism of the people worldwide. The options of entertainment available on television are getting wider and wider with every passing minute. Not only entertainment, television is expanding its coverage to the areas related to general awareness, enlightenment and public addressing.

The HDMI - Is it the Best Connection Option For Your HDTV and Blu-Ray Player?
Posted: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 11:44:25 -0600
Do you know what HDMI stands for and why it very important if you want the best performance from electronic gadgets? More importantly, does it really matter how you connect your Blu-ray Player to your HDTV?

Gossip Girl Online
Posted: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 11:39:28 -0600
Streaming Television shows online is becoming increasingly popular. People are now turning to viewing television online as an alternative to watching television purely at home. Gossip Girl is a television show which is now streamed online as well as on television.

The Real Housewives of Atlanta - A Budget, What's That?
Posted: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 11:13:13 -0600
The Real Housewives of Atlanta is topping the charts. These girls throw money around like its water. Most houses in Atlanta are huge, and the lifestyles of many people there is just as shallow. I'm from Atlanta, and people ask me all the time, Is it really like that?

The Unbearable Lightness of the Thirty-Year Old Mulberry Field
Posted: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 09:53:58 -0600
Our first sight of him, he steps into the frame with his back to the camera, the explosive Masaru Sato score already telling us this figure is a force of nature. He scratches his head and swaggers with that world-weary gait in no particular direction until the opening credits finish. The score then momentarily shifts in tone, from intensity to a kind of cheerful lightness. The masterless samurai, portrayed by the venerable Toshiro Mifune, has come to a pause in his meditative stroll to pick up a stick from off the ground.

Taxi to the Dark Side DVD Review
Posted: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 09:47:22 -0600
The winner of 2008's Best Feature Documentary, Taxi to the Dark Side looks at procedures (see: torture methods) used by the US forces in Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantanamo Bay. The story is framed by the death of innocent Afghan cab driver Dilawar, who was taken into custody at the Bagram Air Base and beaten to death by US soldiers.

Center Stage - Turn it Up Movie Review
Posted: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 09:03:56 -0600
The formula for any dance movie: find a group of great dancers who over-act, include dialogue filled with cliches and corny one-liners, and then add a basic plot surrounding a ridiculously talented main character that is faced with a problem. Choose from the following: a loved one's death, a poor upbringing, or an unconventional style.

Strictly Come Style
Posted: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 08:40:45 -0600
As the nights get longer and the days darker, one thing we can rely upon to brighten up the winter is the sparkle, glitz and glamour of Strictly Come Dancing. But it's not just the impressive moves we fervently tune in for - the fabulous fashions pirouetting around the dance floor are enough to make anyone want to rush out to the shops.

Musician's Friend
Posted: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 08:40:29 -0600
The TV and film industry is a Musicians Friend because if you get even one song licensed for TV or Film you will be on your way to financial freedom. Your Music would be Heard All Over The World, NOT making money from what you're passionate about sucks! It leaves you feeling like you have no power in your life.

Old Movies Are Better!
Posted: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 08:38:24 -0600
Old movies are better. I'm not sure why. They usually are in black and white. The actors tend to be over dramatic.

Pirates of the Caribbean - World's End
Posted: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 08:37:55 -0600
Last week I thought to myself, "I will try and catch up on some films that I have missed at the cinema." I was at the video shop and one film unfortunately caught my attention. 'Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End' seemed like a good choice as I had somewhat enjoyed the previous two installments.

Adam-12, Season 2 - Review
Posted: Sat, 22 Nov 2008 15:45:39 -0600
Adam-12 was first run between 1968 and 1975 as a half hour drama series. The series follows two cops: Officer Pete Malloy and Jim Reed as they patrol the streets of Los Angeles. Officer Pete is the senior officer in charge and Office Jim is his trainee.

Vera Cruz (1954) Gary Cooper & Burt Lancaster Team Up For Implausible Scenarios, Over-Acting
Posted: Sat, 22 Nov 2008 10:08:07 -0600
Vera Cruz (1954), Paramount studio launches its Western answer to CinemaScope with high hopes. Most critics give it high marks, but I'll give you 5 Reasons the movie is sub par.

Welcome "Appaloosa"
Posted: Fri, 21 Nov 2008 15:44:46 -0600
Many lovers of western movies are appalled as to why this tradition has almost been driven to oblivion as if there is lack of appeal for it. It is seems that the days when western movies and books were made in abundance are long gone and lovers of this great tradition must only be content with reading or watching those old books and films that they have read or watched a thousand times as not many of them are written or made these days. It is wonderful and refreshing to see the appearance of Appaloosa.

When You Think Netflix Don't Think Just Movies
Posted: Fri, 21 Nov 2008 15:28:20 -0600
I'd be willing to bet that if someone explained to you what Netflix is, the words DVDs and movies would be mentioned multiple times. I'd also be willing to bet that the phrase "television shows" is never mentioned. That's because most people aren't aware that Netflix also offers television shows in addition to its giant movie collection. Missed the final season of Sopranos? Netflix has you covered. Wondering how each of the characters in Heroes discovered their powers? Netflix has you covered again.

Quantum of Solace Movie Review
Posted: Fri, 21 Nov 2008 13:56:57 -0600
It was always going to be unfair to expect this film to live up to the highwater mark of Casino Royale, but given this film had a $200 million budget and the same writing/producing team, this film should have been much better. What made Daniel Craig's first outing so good was its focus on story and character. You got to see Bond in a new light as he went through some pivotal moments in his early career which make him who he is. None of that is done justice in "Quantum of Solace".

DTV is Coming So Here is What You Need to Know to Make the Change
Posted: Fri, 21 Nov 2008 13:08:28 -0600
Talk about change! Well, mark this date, February 17, 2009. That is the date when over-the-air TV broadcasting stations are mandated by the government to switch the broadcasting signal form analog to digital.

Akira Review
Posted: Fri, 21 Nov 2008 11:51:03 -0600
I've been watching anime for years and I didn't watch Akira until 2007 but I have to say it's every bit as good as it's been hailed as. The animation and action sequences hold up very well in comparison to some of the animes coming out to date. The pacing is almost perfect and the art and music are simply a work of art you really feel like you're in that world.

Waterfalls in the Movies
Posted: Fri, 21 Nov 2008 10:50:50 -0600
Ever since the Lord of the Rings trilogy influenced our decision to honeymoon in New Zealand, I started to think about the other movies that featured waterfalls in them. So which movies featured such waterfalls?

The Acting Life of Cillian Murphy
Posted: Fri, 21 Nov 2008 10:45:58 -0600
Cillian Murphy was born in 1976 in Cork, Ireland. Along with his brother he formed a band named The Sons of Mr Greengenes. They were offered a five album deal by Acid Jazz Records but hey did not sign the contract. He made his professional acting debut in Enda Walsh's Disco Pigs in 1996 with which he toured through Europe, Canada and Australia for two years, Subsequently he starred in a number of independent films and stage plays.

Aap Ki Kachehri -Kiran Ke Saath
Posted: Fri, 21 Nov 2008 10:42:47 -0600
The end of popular saas-bahu sagas on star plus has come up with a refreshing new reality show by a women host, IPS Officer, Kiran Bedi who is the first Indian and highest ranking woman officer with an experience of 35 years in Indian Police Service. Aap Ki Kachehri -Kiran Ke Saath a show is replacing Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi popular among Indians and middle-east. It was about to begin from November 10 but delayed by a week due to a black out planned on Indian television for the coming week.

The Real Housewives of Atlanta - A Budget, What's That?
Posted: Fri, 21 Nov 2008 10:00:58 -0600
The Real Housewives of Atlanta is topping the charts. These girls throw money around like its water. Most houses in Atlanta are huge, and the lifestyles of many people there is just as shallow. I'm from Atlanta, and people ask me all the time, Is it really like that?

Anime Swords - Gorgeous Collectibles Inspired by Animation Series From Japan
Posted: Fri, 21 Nov 2008 08:44:50 -0600
Animation from Japan, also known as Anime, is known for its artistic form -- unreal characters with unusually large physical attributes -- and its unusual style of dialog. Anime goes hand-in-hand with Manga -- Japanese comic book novellas. Over the most recent several years, Anime and Manga both have found an enormous fan base internationally, and the presence of collectibles such as weapons has grown greatly.

Buy Your Favorite Film Posters Irrespective of Your Age Group
Posted: Fri, 21 Nov 2008 08:29:40 -0600
Film posters are colorful ads depicting different films. Buy one of your choice no matter which age group you are from. Read on for more inputs.

Cheap DVD Players - Experience Entertainment That Was Never Possible Before
Posted: Fri, 21 Nov 2008 08:24:47 -0600
DVD players have overcome the limitations of conventional modes of playing songs and videos. They can play videos in any format. This is the reason why they are being used on such a large scale everywhere in the world.

Out of Tune - The Real Housewives of Atlanta
Posted: Fri, 21 Nov 2008 08:21:36 -0600
Doesn't Kim remember how after Nene was humiliated at Sheree's party she still showed up the following day to Kim's daughters' party? Nene began singing a not-so-nice song about Kim's singing career. Can she sing or can't she?

The Vicar of Dibley Series - Why is it So Popular?
Posted: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 16:49:20 -0600
The Vicar of Dibley is a hugely popular British sitcom about a female vicar who moves into a small English countryside village and becomes their new vicar, much to the the surprise (and disapproval) of the parishioners. It doesn't sound like a smash hit but it was recently voted one of the best British sitcoms of all time, so why is it so popular?

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    Ah, This is great! Dispells
    many misnomers I've been hearing.